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Interview with The King of Home Cooking, ADAM MAK


I have always enjoyed eating in Adam’s place.  He’ll always makes us feel so at home. Since the day, my husband introduced Adam to me, I become curious about his secret in cooking; so I started the interview. I am excited and I thank him for revealing some wonderful stories and useful advice.

Adam Mak is my husband’s childhood friend. He was the best football player during his time. Nevertheless, no one expects the football heartthrob turns to be the King of Home Cooking. He started to love cooking since he was 15 years old. He helped his parents in the house and his ultimate favorite was the kitchen. His passion in cooking developed because of his love to eat. He also revealed that has tons of cooking books, but none of these he reads to start up as his recipe. He likes to try things new and experiments a new palatable food. If it is good and people love it and then he will keep it. Meaning, he has made his own recipes. In fact, it is really hard to copy the Adam’s cooking way.

Adam has excelled to be the best home cooking; his wife, Mary and two boys Robi and Norbert are his all-time fans. He has been cooking for more than 20 years for them.

Despite of his love for cooking, he ended up being the great postman in his town in Debeljaca. He is being respected of his neighbors and he perseveres in delivering all the mails from house to house. I am become curious why he didn't work as a chef and instead work as postman. Well, he quickly answered that he doesn't like to cook to please other people. He wants to give the best ingredients in the recipe. He iterated that he couldn't do that in a restaurant. He is very satisfied more than earning a million dollars upon seeing his family and friends enjoying his meal. Their desire to enjoy his food at home makes him feel happy. What a terrific answer and worth things to think about!

Therefore, he cooks because he loves you. In this way, he can express his love to the people who taste his best dishes. While you have dined with him, you would feel the joy. It feels like you are being LOVED. Finally, he shared his secret of home cooking; your LOVE for your family and LOVE in cooking make everything perfect and taste delicious.



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