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Mother’s Day Celebration at Women’s Club

You are what you are because of your mom. Our mother is the superwoman. She wakes up early in the morning to prepare the breakfast and happily do all the household chores to express how much she loves you. She suffers the pain when you are hurt. She cries for happiness when you are in joy. This is the theme during the women’s club gathering on May 13, 2012 Sunday at 1 o’clock in the afternoon in the original town of Tibor’s mom, Skorenovac or Szekelykeve (Original Hungarian name).

Thanks for the Women’s Club Organization because even how busy our mothers are, they have place where they can socialize and relieve them from stress and pressure at home and work especially for the retiree mothers and grand mothers. This program is designed to promote their skills like art painting, noodles making, embroidery and many more. They also join skill competitions and sometimes during special occasions, they are selling these handicrafts and hand-made foods and noodles.

In fact, this is pretty healthy for Anya Ilona who aged 70 this year because like other women in the club this give her an opportunity to meet other women for social and cultural activities. They have these social gatherings that give women an opportunity to bake their favourite cake to share. Oh! I love their cakes. It is not only one cake, but different cakes altogether in a plate.

In this social gathering, I notice that Hungarian people love music and they love to dance. In fact, the program always has the live band that was originally playing Hungarian Music to welcome all the guests. I was really having fun dancing in traditional way with the old women. (Watch on YouTube here : 

Of course, the program won’t end with out the raffle draw. It is just for fun and the excitement of winning even just for a small prize.

The gathering was so emotional with its message about Mother’s day, which becomes the highlight of the event. Though, Anya Ilona cried on that, she felt so loved when Tibor and I hugged, kissed and sent her greetings.

Being a mother is not an easy task. It is a lifetime commitment. They even forget about their selves just to give the best for us. But, I think they deserve a break. A women’s club like this makes them a better mother and a person and it is good outlet and other source of their happiness. Balance is the key of everything to make motherhood and womanhood fun and exciting.
Kissing in Skorenovacs with my honey


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