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Welcome Back to the county town of Csongrád county, Szeged

We have just arrived back in Szeged this morning after a nice evening in Bekes sleeping in the bus station. We went there just to meet Barbi and her husband Joseph. She is very nice and she gave me a nice and beautiful traditional apron. I was enjoying staying a few moment with them because they have small pond and Joseph had thought me how to catch frog just placing your arms in the water. After all, we have to leave and staying overnight in Bekes.

Next morning comes, we were ready after a few power naps in the park. hahaha... That's we were allowed to do placing the sleeping bags on the ground and have 3 hours hitting the sack.  One hour before 10am, we finally back in the bus station to wait at the platform 3 for Szeged. It was smooth ride and still fresh in my mind what happen last night, I saw hedgehogs. 

Now, I am glad to find our home here in Szeged with ate Julie. She has been waiting for us since last night. She is very warmth and she cared for us so much. We arrived in Szeged like around 2pm in the afternoon. While waiting for daughter, Iren, we kept her company and I was laughing with her nice smile and actions though I never comprehend any of their conversations. When she talked to me in Hungarian and honestly just tell her, " Nem Todom"...meaning I don't know.

Exhibition and fair of Quality Hungarian Products 9-12 of August 2012
Special Festival of Excellent Quality

The best highlight of our stay here is the Hungaricum Festival,  the visit to the Watermelon Festival in Emelik Park and the visit to the undiscovered tourist places in Szeged. 

First, l am going to define what is Hungaricum Festival.Hungaricum Festival is going to be organized in Szeged for the fifth time. The aim of the festival is the display the country's quality Hungarian products and services in gastronomy, folk  art, popular culture, agriculture, and husbandry to audiences of inland and abroad. We do our outmost to provide appealing programs to all age groups in the duration of the festival by gastronomical pleasures, as well as quality performances, folk music, Hungarian popular tines, operatta, handicraft workshops, and educational presentations. This time it was held in Szechenyi Square

Aside from that every 5th August, they celebrate Watermelon Day at Heritage Village in Emlek Park is a fabulous opportunity to learn more about traditional ways to grow watermelon, and to find out how you can tell that a melon is ripe. Try the freshly cooked cantaloupe preserve, participate in fun contests, and indulge yourself in this deliciously healthy fruit. Not only that, I enjoyed dancing and singing with their traditional song with the villagers who are wearing the Hungarian costumes. 

This park was created for the Hungarians all over the world. If they have kids who have grown up in the other country, this is the perfect place to teach them about their Hungarian culture.

One of the most interesting part in Emlek is the " A Magyarok Bejovetele" panoramic art. It is the biggest art work I've ever seen made by Feszty Arpad. However,  during the world war II, the painting was damaged, then, for years, it was stored in a basement room of the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. Finally, the restoration was begun in 1991. 

For thousands of people who visit this traditional place of Hungarian cultural heritage, the National Memorial Park of Opustaszer will probably be one of the  most pleasant and memorable place of pilgrimage - where Arpad Feszty's Panoramic Picture is the center of attention. 
Indeed, the place really makes me feel how to be a real Hungarian.

Not only that, you can also see the beautiful tourist destinations in Szeged. Here they are.

Swimming in Tisza River can surely make you feel refreshing this scorching summer.

Alsovarosi Church

Tibby is drinking Anna Furdo's thermal water.

Aradi Vertanuk Square

Famous Fogodalni Church

Dugonics Square

Grof - Palota

Inside the Alsovarosi Church

Szeged's National Museum

Outside view of Reok Palace

The unforgettable river cruising with 2 Tibbies


The Market near the bus station

Szegedi Nemzeti Szinhaz

The Walking Street

The Town hall


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