As I was walking past a bush of parsley green clover, hosts of daisies scattered everywhere. Its flowers bright yellow and its sweet fragrance signals us that spring is here. And, spring symbolizes blossom of the new beginning and the best simile for that is THE CHILDREN.
In spring, it becomes a tradition here in Melbourne to celebrate the warm weather to begin after a long and cold winter through going to a fun carnival or attending a Children's festival organized by the community which basically includes theme rides, face painting, balloons, stall markets, mascots, fairies, live music and all for the family. We gathered ourselves as we ate, danced and sang heartily.
Though our spring begins in the middle of the year, still we believe it is the official start of happy moments because we all getting excited to feel the heat.
For this month of September, I listed down the 3 children's feast to kick off the season.
1. Lilydale Lake Community Festival on September 16

It was the most anticipated event after we received the flyer in our mailbox. From that day on, we looked forward to that day. Until one Sunday came, my kids had performed a dance number in their church affiliated with their playgroup school, we shared sumptuous tea time with lots of sweets and coffee and smiled at the familiar faces. Small talks had to end because we need to leave for the festival that starts at 11a.m. It was passed 12noon already, we knew we would be fine heading our way to Lilydale, Victoria.
As we enter the gateway of Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley, I know this place has a lot of things to offer after seeing the green big trees and green grass surrounded the lake. We knew that we were there in the right venue because of the green balloons placed on the welcome board at the entrance of the University.
The school cooperated with the community to organize this spring festival, so part of the program was an open house event. It means they gave orientation/ information about the courses and services they offer that made the highlights and activity of the event.
We enter the expansive building of the Lilydale community as the loud live music welcomed us. On the right entrance was the queue for the face painting and across was the free popcorn. While I was lining up for my children's face painting, my husband also lined up for the children's animal/people shaped party balloons.

I gaze my eyes up the ceiling of the building with amazement because of its architectural design. We continue touring around the school building and we stopped at the Cosmetology department that gave my husband a free hand massage and later after that, we looked around the robotics and technology department.
It was not all about school information but, they also offered kids activities which were the reasons we were there like the jumping castle and wall climbing. However, kids were too young to climb so we just stuck to jumping. But, when I saw my daughter hurt by other bullies, then, I stood up and took them out. I think that was the signed that they had enough.
Before we left to go to the Lilydale Lake, we visited their newly finished Lilydale Lakeside children center with fully funded kindergarten. All of the facilities are new and state of the art. As we went inside, they gave us information pack and they allowed us to use the facilities and explore for the kids to try while the rooms were so quiet and only my children running up, smiling and crying," Wow mama! Apa Look!"

2. Tesseelar Tulips Festival - children's week featuring PJ Mask - September 27

“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” —Jim Rohn.
Tulips festival is an annual event happening during spring. From the title itself, it is a celebration when Tulips are in full bloom. They celebrated for four weeks with different themes each week from Mondays - Thursdays and normal programming on weekends.
And of course, we want our kids to enjoy spring, we would like to come specifically to children's week with children's theme. However, the day fell on Thursday, so I decided to go by bus just to had a chance to join on the last day. I am just so thankful that my husband took the time off and fortunately, we went there by car in sunny weather. All I say is the PERFECT day!
The weather was the best, it was really sunny and hot and you can see how the filled with beautiful colors. The park was a full pack of cars a lot of people lining up for the ticket to entry. So then, we quickly got in around 10 am after queueing. It didn't take us long because of plenty of cashiers taking our payments and they have self cashing service. But, if you pre-paid online, it much faster for you. But, I think it doesn't matter now, finally, we were in. And luckily, we were 30 minutes earlier before the first show begun.
" I am a super hero, na na na I am a superhero. " The singer began to sing this catchy song and they started to do a musical variety show to value the kindness of the people. Then, we settled our selves in front of the stage even it was sunny. Not the nice, springtime breezy sunny, but a hot type of sunny where the kids were sweating while watching the show.
When PJ MASKS joined The Amazing Super Hero Show and showcasing of Australian's reptiles by Black Snake Productions, kids were shouting and dancing with the beat and momentarily surprise when the red, blue and green costumed heroes started to dance and jumping. My son started running around and becoming unstoppable in the middle of the crowd. If I didn't notice him, I am sure I lost him.
After the show, we went to reptile zoo booth, and again they felt so delighted and excited patting the animals especially the lizards and snakes. I could see the soul in their eyes when the snakes around their necks. During that day, everything was so alive including me while capturing the moment.
Then in the middle of patting the animals, my daughter rushed to a roving fairy interacting with the kids along the street market. She had the chance to have a picture with her. Then, I realize, it is not just the weather that was warm but also the ambiance of the place as it filled with the unfurling flowers in the garden plus the entertainment, the smell of chocolates and ice cream and fairytale decorations... all of these things created a scent of magic in the air.

After watching the show, we all were running down to the tulips farm posing for the camera as we were very excited that feeling like staring at the rainbow but instead up in the sky, your eyes were drawn on the ground filled with colorful tulips flowers.
The field scene is a spirit-refreshing remembering how we overcome hardships in our relationships after 7 years we are still together. As they say, there's a rainbow after the rain. And you know there's always a way and solution if you really know what you really want to achieve like for example our journey in getting here. I thought it was impossible, but we make it happen even it means my husband has to sacrifice to take a day off.
3. Little Day out Noble Park | September 30

Fun for free
I was reading reviews about this event called A little day out held in Noble park, I was surprised to see that there are few people who were disappointed despite the event is free after comparing their last year's experience. For us, first timers, we are having fun and of course, SURPRISE because this is the only free children's event we have attended.
Whatever it is, here's our story.
As we arrive at the location, the first thing we notice is the huge thrill slide of the YMCA swimming pool and at the entrance says open house which means we can swim for free. ( I think that was the last thing in our mind because we there are a lot of events waiting for us in the field.
It is 30 minutes before it opens, I see them setting up the booth and markets.
" Sorry, ma'am. It will open at 11 a.m" The guard said.
Moving on, my family and I walk toward the camel rides. We stand in line, so when they open we won't be waiting for long - my husband stays at the line while I entertain the kids and took them to a different booth that offers different activities for kids.
When it was our turn, I was nervous because of fear of heights that I may fall and at the same time excitement. After I put on my helmet, I put on my daughter's. The man assisted us to get to the platform where we can sit on the camel easily. After I put my daughter on the back of the camel, while holding her, I throw my legs over the middle of the humps and quickly mounts. Five Camels start to walk slowly following the guide while I lean forward and back, I grip tightly onto the saddle until I am comfortable with camel's motion.
Mere minutes when we are turning back to the platform, I notice my husband is taking videos and following us while my son is screaming and crying," mama! mama!"(Funny as I put my it in a wrong side after I watch the video.)
My face lightens up and it feels like I am a child again because I experience this for the first time and take note it is for free.
After that trailblazer ride, I line up for my children's carousel ride in which my two kids are comfortable riding holding the bars while I was taking videos; roller coaster ride which totally gives me a goosebumps watching my daughter by herself during the ride, and finally the jumping castles which takes us so long in the queue. We line up for small and big ones.
Because it was free, everybody wants to do it again and again. The line is long, but it wasn't boring. While in line, I have learned a very valuable lesson. And that is... JUST HAVE FUN.
These people who are wearing funny costumes and mascots, they have tried their best to entertain us while we wait. This one guy who plays harmonica and other instruments, he comes to children to interview and sing for them while waiting in line.
After trying out all the free rides as many times we want, I can't tear my eyes from the music live band on the stage playing. They are singing classic kindergarten songs and make funny slaps or jokes to make us laugh. My mood has never changed and when I look up the sky turns sunny the golden rays across the field full of family and children who are making memories of Australian childhood.
As having low expectations, it comes with full of surprises, spring breeze skirts me gently moving us to watch the circus and learn some new circus tricks. We approach there to hide from the coldish blow of the wind even the heat of the sun is on us.
After following the circus freak giant tall ladies blowing the bubbles with big and small sizes, we tried all the hula hoops and spinning plates.
"Go Tibby! Go closer! I am taking a picture." I shouted.
Good! They paused for the picture taking.
After that, we had a family picture while waiting for the show to begin.
Though we missed watching the 5D movie because our children are too young for that, I think about it many times because I really wanted to experience watching a 5D movie.
Unfortunately, as we are moving towards the 5D bus, we turn back because we are very sure we won't make it for that long line and in 30 minutes the event will end.
Later on...
"Why don't we spend remaining hours swimming? Anyway, the event has already finished!" My husband remembered the open house in the YMCA swimming pool Noble park which is just next to the Reserve park.
And so I agree, thinking it is still a free to swim since it is an open house day. But, unfortunately, the free passes have ended at the same time when the Little Day Out ends.
Nevertheless, it never stops us to have fun because it wasn't free. Actually, we gladly pay for the two adult passes while kids enjoy swimming free all the time up to 3 years old only.
Friends, happiness won't depend on how much you pay - free or not free. It is how you make fun and do things you love. It is just the idea that you are having fun, especially if you have someone like your family to share the FUN with. But, if you are the person who kills the fun, then, the cost of free becomes too expensive because the people you are with will hate to remember the day they are with you. I swear.
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