They say that winter always describes as cold, numbness, scarcity even associates with death. For me, that is snow, that is those days of bluster and ice that can be dangerous, but it can be also magical. It is a flash of diamonds that are covered everywhere. It is just all pure and white. May I wish that these thick pillows adorned on the trees and the soft and fluffy snow I am stepping on could heal all my worries about the future. Yet today, I am happy simply to walk with my family in it, it creates footprints of our own. The snow is soft enough that walking itself is very challenging because aside from it is so slippery, my feet are plunging to it. " God... please help me not to slip." The worried thoughts of a 27- week pregnant mommy me. And this is my winter pregnancy worries. Family on Snowplay in Mount Donna Buang, Warburton As I was holding Hannah on my left hand while I was holding the bars walking slow...